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Heavy Equipment Talent Pools ….Employers Need Change and Design Attractive Organisational Culture


Many Multinational heavy equipment manufactures globally have similar recruitment mandates:

Technicians/Field Service Engineers/ to spearhead their employers after sales function and address customer after sales challenges relating to installation, overhauls, repair , maintenance and spare parts. Such challenges are of paramount importance for keeping customer downtime to a minimum, and enhancing heavy equipment manufactures reputation and securing repeat business all comes through effective and reliable after sales service. This consists of a blend of skill sets we all too well know about including effective sales, communication, relationship building, engineering, operations, planning and supply chain. The importance of after sales should not be underestimated but all too often is. An effective after sales function with the right people in the right places is often the glue that holds the company together.

Ideally our heavy equipment clients sought after candidates with 5-10 years of experience, or at least 2-3 years and upwards. The problem is , global talent pools are slimmer than ever before. University graduates do not find it trendy or prestigious to work onsite, in noisy factories or harsh customer environments working away from their family and friends for weeks on end. But for those “newly qualified” candidates (engineering bachelor degree holders with at least 3 years of post graduate work experience) that are at a premium and highly sought after how can their services be secured for the long term. Here is the word on the street

Organisational culture and management style and how these younger up and coming pros are being communicated with is everything. Both culture and management style are being highly scrutinised by candidates more than ever before. Newly qualified candidates in particular do not have a threshold for bad treatment and neither should they. Top down communication from management really isn’t appreciated and looked down’s no longer accepted or tolerated and a newly qualified will just leave their employers and move onto something else. They are no longer worried about a cv that must have stable tenures, most are independent and do not have the burden of a mortgage, so having to give years of their life to a sub standard employer that pushes them around isn’t going to happen . Such employers must evolve and change to capture the best young talent by starting with taking a look in the mirror. The alpha boss, poor listening authoritative figures, operating in top down cultures are obsolete and will run a business into the ground

Want learn more about strategies to identify and attract after sales newly qualified candidates ? Reach out for a confidential discussion

RJM is a specialist supply chain recruiter serving clients and candidates operating in the Third-Party logistics, in-house supply chain and heavy equipment industries …to learn more about our story …

To discuss the supply chain talent pool market reach out to Robert Maguire - Founder and Managing Director at RJM - rjma

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