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RJM Flash Survey 2020

Our team recently conducted a Flash Survey across a range of candidate disciplines, sectors & geographies. The aim of our RJM Flash Survey is to assess the impact of COVID-19 covering employee satisfaction towards their employers and how they feel they have been treated during this time.

Our team has surveyed over 100 candidates from industries including Supply Chain, Retail, Financial Services, Legal, Logistics, Manufacturing, PR, Marketing, IT, Market Research and Data Analytics. Candidates surveyed are in Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Malaysia, The Philippines, Thailand, Australia, and the UK with 3-10 years of work experience.

85% of surveyed candidates are currently working. And among those employed, roughly 72% are on permanent roles, 21% are on contract roles while the remaining are freelancers. .


Since the start of COVID-19...

☹13% of our respondents reported to have taken a pay cut.

☹ 9% of our respondents reported to have their promised promotion or pay increase delayed or cancelled.

Our team found that while some understand their companies’ decisions to take back their pay rise or promotion and did not affect how they felt about the companies, some expressed disappointment and felt undervalued especially with the knowledge that their employer are still achieving profit levels.


😊 More than half of our respondents were generally quite satisfied with how their companies treat employees, with around 39% rating 4, and more than 20% rating 5.

😊 The main reason is that they felt valued by their companies.

😊 For example, besides implementing flexible working arrangements to enhance safety, care packages such as masks and sanitizers were provided. Many appreciate that management tried their best to avoid layoffs or pay cuts.

😊They expressed gratitude towards their companies more during these difficult times.

😐 1/3 of the respondents gave an average rating of 3, reasoning that their employer did only the bare minimum- implementing WFH (work from home), but generally everything else was pretty much the same as before COVID19.

10% were not satisfied with their company’s general handling of the COVID-19 situation due to various reasons such as retrenchment, receiving pay cuts or being forced to take no-pay leaves, getting their pay raise or promotions cancelled, not having WFH arrangements

*On a scale of 1-5, 1 is the least satisfied and 5 is the most satisfied.

Feel free to reach out to Sheila Hui for further discussions.

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